Scandinavian Highs again
In article ,
Ron Button writes:
Whilst I share many of this groups enthusiasm for a potential Easterly blast
(blow would do ).I fail to see that the resident High which has been sitting
over the Southwest for what seems for ever,could possibly migrate north and
link up with that very illusory phenomenon 'the Siberian High' .
I've wracked my memory for any previous occurrences ,but can't remember a
single instance when that's happened before . Sure Highs do migrate
NorthEast across the UK from time to time ,but never one that's been in
residence for so long in one position.
I can remember this happening. Have a look at the charts for the first
few days of February, 1991.
John Hall
"It is a very sad thing that nowadays there is so little useless
Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)