In message . com,
BlueLightning writes
well today is January 14th, the end of the second week of January that
according to Brian Gaze, the big freeze was set to begin
It is people on TWO that fire the first shots by the way
People who critisize Brians long range forecasts are 'armchair critics'
apparantly - having a quick glance at TWO this morning
Then i put forward that Brian is an 'armchair long range
All this is fine, until they make claims of 'our forecast is shaping up
to be exceptionally accurate'
I say again, this was a forecast put out by ONE man, called Brian Gaze,
so please stop saying 'our' when you should really be saying Brian's
I think people are justified in saying something, and they should not
take it personally
Hi. I apologise for using you as guinea pig, but I have changed my
computer configuration and needed a thread that interests to test it.
But why do they make these basic mistakes, there are some private
weather companies ably filling in the holes the Office has left. So why
do some have to grab cheap publicity by claiming accuracy when they have
IMHO made a complete mess of their winter forecasts?
'Wisest are they that know they do not know.' Socrates.
Paul Bartlett FRMetS Go to local weather