Sir Piers on December: "Undoubtedly the most exciting weather month for some years!"
In message , Jim
Cannon writes
Piers says "The coming Solar hit sround 3 Dec is likley to increase UK
snow risk in our 'Major Red', R4, period 5-8Dec (+/-1d) Further pics
of ECMWF model projections etc on twitter feed: @Piers_Corbyn
If there is any substantial snowfall in that period outside high ground
in the north I shall be astonished. In fact - at least for the southern
half of the UK - the weather looks like being positively benign for the
time of year, with nothing worse than a little fog and frost. I see
you've quoted the Daily Express in support of Pier's forecast, which
smacks of desperation.
John Hall "Never play cards with a man called Doc.
Never eat at a place called Mom's.
Never sleep with a woman whose troubles
are worse than your own." Nelson Algren