On Wednesday, 3 December 2014 19:30:43 UTC, John Hall wrote:
In message , Metman2012
And when I started, you had one biro issued and had to hand that one in
when it ran out before getting a replacement. Hard to use a biro when
it's got a padlock and chain on it!
You had biros? Cue someone to come in and say that you had it lucky, and
that when they started you still had to use a quill pen.
As the woodbine closes around the doors on Foggy Bottoms, one of usgets real before the flower people chime in.
The North Atlantic has almost identical weather to the North Pacific and both are showing multiple cyclonic centred systems at the moment. This would be the state if the cause of weather is an harmonic set up by the geography of both regions as they are whistles.
However the structures of said whistles vary enough to cause slightly different reactions to their acoustic waves. In the North Atlantic the set up under discussion in the OP is going to produce volcaninc activity in Iceland or one of the volcanic islands in the Norwegian Sea.
As happens with cyclosis (which is closely related to the whistle phenomena) the point at which laminar flow becomes turbulence can, when wind shear is absent, produce a sea change in the disposal of energy. In this case of course it is volcanism. If you look up the demo by Eric Laithwaite on lifting an heavy gyroscope you can see what must happen with the vortex induced in enclosed chambers when the pressure is relieved.
This phenomenon is accompanied on the North Atlantic charts with an unusual phenomena, the presence of a blocking High when there should be a huge harmonic cyclone accompanying the tropical storm Hagupit, a Category Three at the time of writing and soon to be a Cat 4. This is doubly unusual, the storm being both in the northern hemisphere in December and so powerful yet so close to the equator.
I couldn't cope with raw data the way that the experts here can, it has to be said though that they are a flock of dodos waiting to make flipper pie as far as modern treatments of data can be forced these days. Sadly I am the only one alone.
Still that just makes me peerless. I am far too self indulgent to feel any sadness or distraction.