[OBS] Luton Tue 25 Jan 2005
0915z N F4 7km 3St005 8Sc010 01.8/00.8 1030.8
1200z N F4 15km 6Cu015 8Sc050 02.8/01.0 1030.8
1600z N F3 15km 1Sc050 8Sc070 02.0/-00.5 1030.1
2230z NNE F2 5km VCFG 1Sc050 00.1/-00.6 1033.2
RMK: Short sharp SHGS 2035-45, now there appears to be
a large fog bank on the western horizon (Dunstable direction),
and the visibility here has begun to deteriorate
Philip Eden
Luton (Round Green) 155m