On 26/12/2014 21:52, Graham Easterling wrote:
You do get sun on the beach at Sennen, as it faces WNW and is backed by dunes (as of course you know, and you can tell by the Xmas swim youtube clip). But it is a welcome sign late January when the sun starts hitting the road along the cove (which faces N) again!
Walked along the coast path then headed down onto the beach today.
Compared to the cliff-top (and every else it seems) the beach with its
high, steep south-facing cliffs was a massive 'climate' away.
The sun-warmed sand/rocks and cliffs with a double-hit reflection off
the sea from the sun, and no wind made it feel warm, dry and just right
for a snooze (no coat/jumper needed).
So nice to be surrounded by intensely bright and warm sunlight.
We awoke after an hour or so and now both have lightly sunburnt faces
and arms!
Nick Gardner
Otter Valley, Devon
20 m amsl