Frost-free Warlingham
List night was a very good example of what can happen on the higher parts of The Downs in a light anticyclonic southerly and a clear sky. The min at Gatwick (12 miles SW) was -5° and even Heathrow (about 18 miles WNW) had -3°C, yet here the screen min was +1.5°C and almost constant throught the night. No air frost but a heavy ground frost that even whitened the roads. There was a very light S'ly throughout. I have noted this sort of thing before on a number of occasions when the conditions are right. Normally the minima here are lower than Heathrow, clear sky or not, but Gatwick ("Fogwick") is usually lower.
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, NE Surrey, 557 ft, 169 m. TQ 3516 5955