NHS crisis hitting NOW just like WeatherAction forecast
On Tuesday, 6 January 2015 19:57:53 UTC, Malcolm wrote:
In article , Jim
Cannon writes
Come and join our PROTEST tomorrow WEDS at 12noon outside BBC Portland
"Snow, blizzards, and icy blasts (espec North UK) during much of
December as warned by WeatherAction 100day ahead made this NHS winter
crisis worse.
Why are you telling lies, Jim?
WeatherAction warned that BBC-MetOffice failure to warn of cold blasts,
snow and blizzards to come in parts of December even 30days ahead was
short-changing the NHS; the NHS winter fund top-up was too low
WeatherAction warned.
But there were minimal "cold blasts, snow and blizzards", despite your
forecast that "This will probably be the most extreme 5 days of snow
blizzards and and gales in Britain and Ireland for 100 years"
So why are you lying, Jim?
snip a load of crap, even dangerous crap considering the alarm that your
forecasts may have engendered among the elderly.
So what about handing in a humble apology at the BBC tomorrow, Jim, as
well as posting one here?
Wasn't your previous post about fraud?
And if those elderly visited the UKMO website?
Oh the irony.