NHS crisis hitting NOW just like WeatherAction forecast
On 07/01/2015 17:34, Jim Cannon wrote:
On Wednesday, January 7, 2015 5:13:59 PM UTC, Crusader wrote:
The NHS crisis is caused by many things, but the weather is not one of them.
We have a weak population brought about by being largely elderly, labelled as disabled (even though most in this category are just fat or unfit), or just plain time wasters. The really ill people are then not given the care they need or deserve.
And to make matters worse, a whole wedge of cash is wasted each year on legal battles with patients, paying too much for drugs or supplies....plus paying non-surgical managers far too much.
Seasonal forecasting is not possible in the UK...get over it.
Any more than 6 days is beyond any Met organisation...especially for dramatists and headline seekers like Corbyn.
UTTERLY WRONG!!! WeatherAction has proven forecast skill at 100 DAYS ahead and more. If you dont believe me ask Dennis WHEELER!!!! Sir Piers is followed by over eight THOUSAND PEOPLE on Twitter and continues to attract more and more subscribers to his forecasts - 90% of whom are happy or more than happy with the product. You couldnt say the same for the Met Office who churn out lies and crap on an hourly basis. GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT AND THEN COMMENT!!!!!!
Cripes! There really is a shortage of "care in the community".