On 16/01/2015 20:45, Jim Cannon wrote:
HOT (or should it be colde!!!) off press.........!!!!!!!!
Weather Action imminent Febuary (15-45d) Forecast "astonishing"
Some changes made from the LONGER Range 160day forecast - issued 5 Aug to Longest Range (off Web) subscribers.
Changes follow better understanding of increasing Wide Jet stream ('Mini Ice Age') activity after WeatherAction's SUCCESSFUL! LongRange prediction of Sudden (upper) Stratospheric Warming!
The results are exciting and "pretty astonishing" in parts of February.
New Feb 15-45d forcast issues later to-day 16th/early 17th.
The amazing 2/3OFF / 50%OFF many services Deal CONTINUES till Sunday 18th 2400 GMT (or site update if later)
Via http://www.weatheraction.com/wactmember5.asp
Isn't there something in this newsgroups charter about not having any
commercial posts?