On Saturday, January 17, 2015 at 1:11:05 PM UTC, wrote:
On Saturday, January 17, 2015 at 12:56:33 PM UTC, Dawlish wrote:
I've been very kind to the poster, Col. Maybe she'll show better judgement, of all forecasts, I'm the future! *))
I thought it was Joe Egginton, going by the Gmail address.
Then again it was actually on-topic, so perhaps not 
The point about Will's forecast occurred to me too, On Jan 15th he said the cold would last for two weeks, well currently that looks highly unlikely but I would never dream of criticising it until that time period was up. The models are chopping and changing like mad at the moment, he might still end up being broadly correct, then again, so could you 
I wasn't aware, Col and I can't be arsed to keep up with egg's changes. I don't think this is another nymshift, but I may well be wrong. Why someone would change their name every time they post is completely beyond me. They know they'll be recognised and killfiled by those who do, but I'm really not interested in the 3 wise monkeys approach of some on here. I'd rather laugh at idiots than try to censor them.