On Sunday, January 18, 2015 at 12:01:22 PM UTC, Graham Easterling wrote:
We have now had hail on 8 of the last 9 days, and quite a lot at that.
The last really intense shower was around 05:00 (approx, I wasn't wide awake) and the lawn was still had a fair bit lying when I finally struggled down around 08:30 despite the temperature being near 5C.
The heavy showers have tended to dissipate rapidly over the land. As a result the rainfall in Penzance has been a lot higher than Culdrose recently (the complete reverse of summer showery conditions).
These showers have deposited significant amounts of rain, another 7.1mm in the 24 hours to 09:00 today. There have also been some violent squalls, one of which exceeded anything I recorded in winter 2013/14.
So far this month:-
94mm Culdrose
118mm Camborne
130.6mm Penzance - the tip of Cornwall really gets hammered in these unstable conditions, esp given the still unusually warm sea conditions, 10C still. Mind you, VG visibility and superb colouring in the sunny bits, one of whicch we are experiencing now.
With thunder & gales, it's been a very interesting week or so. Wind gusting 30-40mph on cliff tops this morning, so it felt pretty cold out.
Looks like west Cornwall's showers are set to continue, they are still forecast to dangle around