On 19/01/2015 14:32, Dave Cornwell wrote:
It is very difficult to work out where it is cold and where there is
snow cover. The Media aren't helping. It's not a North vs London bias
it's a we'll report the worst case as being everywhere bias. On News 24
I just got in the handover to the forecaster " Can it possibly get any
colder than this?" Answer, "Not really after the near record breaking
temperatures in some parts last night". Am I imagining this stuff or are
they? I am prepared to concede that today is the first day of a cold
snap here as the max looks like being 3.6C today and there was a slight
frost last night.
BUT where exactly is all of the snow cover and freezing weather they
keep mentioning?
Dave, S.Essex
Well Dave, see my recent post. The snow line is now about 100' above me
and the hills to the south are thickly clad. West of here, including the
Glasgow area, has snow cover as well.
Here you go, 1020-1205 today
although there's a lot of cloud over N England and Midlands
George in Swanston, Edinburgh, 575'asl