Marginally more measured than usual (Is he learning from his
catastrophically wrong forecasts so far?) and slightly more possible
going by the charts, but still grossly exaggerated based on current facts.
The Big Freeze? - Another December 2010 At The Very Least?
We are now entering a significant and prolonged pattern change to
even colder conditions, which will also be accompanied by frequent and
widespread snow events across the country.
From the middle of next week cold air of an Arctic origin will
begin to surge in across the whole of the country. This will also bring
the risk of almost nationwide snow showers with this period.
The cold and wintry theme will also remain as the more dominant
feature over the next several weeks at the very least, and it will
tighten its grip even more and gradually worsen throughout February as a
strong blocking pattern develops.
We are now entering a strongly negative phase of the Arctic
Oscillation (AO) and its close relation in the North Atlantic
Oscillation (NAO) is also likely to follow the same trend. This favours
a strong blocking pattern with much colder winds veering in from a more
northerly and easterly direction.
The final part of January and February period is now shaping up to
something that could be on a similar par to December 2010 at the very
least. There is likely to be frequent and heavy bouts of snow across the
whole country, severe blizzards, and major ice problems within this
period. Lying and settling snow on the ground for some prolonged periods
of time is likely to become an issue for many. It can also become rather
difficult to break out of such a pattern once we are within it, and
there are some strong indications that we could become locked into this
for quite some time.
THIS IS IT UK & IRELAND!!! Time for everyone to get a taste of the
snow and cold as we enter a prolonged pattern change + detailed
explanation as to why? @
There will now be some massive changes to follow in the Met Office
outlook - who are currently suggesting nothing to the scale of what is
about to happen...