On Wednesday, January 28, 2015 at 9:03:35 AM UTC, Graham Easterling wrote:
Currently 10.2C and windy. Recent gust of 37mph in Penzance, 45kt at St Ives.
Patchy overnight rain gave a total of 3.1mm
Yesterday saw sunny spells and brief drizzly showers, with some nice rainbows. Here's one of them http://www.sennen-cove.com/today2.htm.
Broken very low cloud beneath a milky blue sky. Blown out sea conditions with only moderate visibility at the moment.
Fairly unpleasant outside. Forecast visibility is excellent, but with the blown out sea conditions it's generally moderate for some miles inland.
Pretty bleak really
http://magicseaweed.com/Live-Sennen-Webcam/65/ , air full of salt spray right across the Land's End peninsula.