In message ,
Lawrence Jenkins writes
Well that's a climb-down from 2THE WARMEST YEAR ON RECORD" to
Shhh...erm... one of the warmest years on record.
So what's new, the 19 year plateau continues as C02 rises
From the article that you've linked to: "Nominally this ranks 2014 as
the joint warmest year in the record, tied with 2010, but the
uncertainty ranges mean it's not possible to definitively say which of
several recent years was the warmest."
If the two warmest years in the record are 2010 and 2014 then, whichever
order they should go in, that doesn't sound like a 19 year plateau to
I'm not paid to implement the recognition of irony.
(Taken, with the author's permission, from a LiveJournal post)