On Saturday, 31 January 2015 20:26:14 UTC, wrote:
Message for your good self and some of the other assorted flat-earthers, fruitcakes, loonies and "severe onanists" (copyright Tory party) who post to this newsgroup.
So I take it from that remark that AGW bandwagon is generally driven by the left.
Thanks Dave for a very honest revealing remark
Point one. We have seven thousand million human beings on the planet. Although some (such as yourself, Lawrence) spout hot air front and back, in general an average person emits the same energy as a (continuously burning) 100 watt lightbulb. Multiply that out, and there's a huge amount of warmth being generated. Obviously only a person of superior intellect has the wisdom to deny a link to rising global temperature, rising sea-levels, glaciers thawing, etc.
As Bill Bryson points out all life that we know on this planet literally lives in the varnish if we used an atlas as a guide to scale of planet and atmosphere we are akin to microbes
Point two. Read my lips Mr Lawyer. There is no link whatsoever between weather and volcanoes. And neither can you somehow extrapolate those two things to forecast tornadoes. Please stick to horoscopes and tealeaves.
Point three. This posting is admittedly an example of how personal abuse has diminished this newsgroup. Is it possible to keep comments such as "idiot" and "moron" to yourself? And can we block people like Joe, our esteemed Wolverhampton member for the National Front? Is there a moderator?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------That is just left wing guardian garbage about Joe.
In my case I have only ever resorted to that language due to a couple of people full stop.
Please direct this fire at one individual only thank you.
But I do find your stance very shrill and hypocritical after calling all those whose do not entirely agree that co2 increasing is the main driver in climate and then calling them what was it now. ah yes
"for your good self and some of the other assorted flat-earthers, fruitcakes, loonies and "severe onanists
I think a case Dave J of Preston kettle , pot and black. But at least you've had the integrity to almost put your real name.
Point four. What this NG could be very useful for is a campaign against the hyperbole and outright stupidity of modern media weather reporting. Let's face it, young journalists are just plain thick. They can't help it, it's a generational thing, and they're sadly goaded on by Madden & associates. But if they can be encouraged to put today's "massive MINUS THREE severe 1cm blizzards of death, colder than ANTARCTICA" in historical context by people who remember the 1980s...
Cheers to all, despite the rant
Dave J
Good you can start with UKMO .
Look at those stupid OTT warning. I've just come back from shopping and the real world bares no resemblance to that UKMO elf & safety drivel.