UKMO: 2014 The Warmest...Oops,One of the warmest years on Record
Thankyou for your swift response.
On the subject of Met Office warnings. We have a blame culture in UK, driven by a mixture of greed, passing the buck, and the need to create copy for 24/7 media headlines. If the Met Office fail to forecast a small patch of ice 20 miles from the nearest house, then someone will slip on that ice. The headline will be "why weren't we warned", rather than "why didn't you walk more carefully". Your criticism should be of our litigious and sensationalist culture.
My remarks about Wolverhampton Enoch were about his posting to a weather newsgroup. Yes, there's a political aspect to weather & climate, but there is no meteorological relevance to his stories about immigrants on buses.
My main point though is: please get real. Man-made global warming is going to have severe impacts on how we live, where we live, or even if we do live.. Sceptics like you are only giving politicians excuses to delay the changes we need to make.
By the way, take a trip* to China or neighbouring SE Asia. Apart from the omnipresent smog, you'll see literally millions of new motorways and skyscrapers. Then you might change your mind.
*by bicycle, before you blame me for air miles!