Jan 2015 fpr Weston Coyney
Weston Coyney Weather station 220 metres asl
Averages (1981-2010)
(Records date back to 1960)
Mean 3.2c (-0.1c) (Coldest since 2013)
Mean max 5.7c (0.0c)
Mean min 0.7c (-0.2c)
Mean grass min -1.1c
High max 12.7c (9th) (record)
High min 6.3c (10th)
Low max 1.1c (29th)
Low min -2.8c (19th)
Low grass -5.3c (23rd)
Air frosts 14 (+2)
Ground frosts 23 (+4)
Total 61.9mm (85%) (Driest since 2011)
Highest daily fall 8.2mm (29th) (snow)
Rain days 25 (+7)
Wet days 18 (+5)
Sunshine hours:
Total 62.4 (124%) (Sunniest since 2012)
Highest daily total 6.2 (2nd)
Sunless days 7
Wind data mph:
Mean 24 hours 6.0 mph
Mean at 09.00 5.4 mph
Highest gust 48 mph (10th)
Pressure mb:
Mean 24 hours 1010.8 (-3.9)
Mean 09.00 1010.3
Max 1031.8 (4th)
Min 976.9 (29th)
Sleet/snow days 12 (+6)
Snow lying days 8 (+3)
Hail 4
Thunder 0
Fog 1
First half of the month mostly mild and changeable
Second half much colder with frost and snow at times.