On Thursday, 5 February 2015 18:22:06 UTC, wrote:
My weather site, which some of you might know about, is at last back up and running.
It was previously hosted as a personal page at the University of Dundee. But then somewhen UOD IT deleted all the personal pages and withdrew the service. I was probably told about it, but it passed me by. I think it must have been down now a good few months. So I've at last transferred everything to my own domain.
I'm not sure if all the links are working, but I let's see. I've tried to take this opportunity to give the design of the site a more modern feel - I did produce the first version around 1998!
Follow the links from the page below. I hope it's all intuitive. I might reorganise things a bit later to make the layout more minimalist (can you be more minimalist?) and intuitive.
Weather and psychology ? Hmmm I'll think you'll find its all in the mind. Hey maybe you could cover the effects of UKMO putting the fear of god into the public...well those that visit their website anyway with all the severe weather warnings and call to arms to be
Winter preparedness and action
Alert and readiness
Severe weather action
National Emergency
Surely this must drain the public psyche all this doom and gloom with no good news whatsoever. I mean bitter dangerously cold weather in a time of global warming; that's enough to confuse and cause mass depresseion.
Another study could be pier group sycophancy how everyone said what a great resource your weather station is and how often they'd referenced it and yet the only one who honestly did have a look Keith found out Lundi is reading -17c .
Interesting in the way that all tripping over themselves to be polite actually lied.