On 10/02/2015 19:10, Jim Cannon wrote:
On Tuesday, February 10, 2015 at 5:12:10 PM UTC, John Hall wrote:
In message , Jim
Cannon writes
On the EXTREMELY rare occasion subs are unhappy weatheraction can take
action. At the moment their are one or two taking our vastly reduced
rate in view of any snow disappointment. Which is MORE than you can say
for the Met Office! Every time they get a forecast wrong we dont get
tax rebates do we! The amount of times theyve dropped a clanger I think
wed all be MILLIONAIRES LOL!!!
What's the MO's annual budget? A couple of hundred million a year? That
would work out at something like £3 per person per year, maybe £5 if you
only include taxpayers. Looks like pretty good value to me. It's a
fraction of what Piers charges.
Yes but people have a choice of whether they want to subscribe to Sir Piers. The Met Office is just foisted on people / the ones who pay tax that is
Fools and their money being easily parted by the Grand Charlatan and his
illiterate incompetent halfwitted
PR guru Loose Cannon.
Only a complete idiot would pay good money for the garbage he spouts.
Rain or go dark before morning conveys no useful information!
The only people who benefit are lazy redtop editors looking for a shock
horror panic weather scare story on a slack news day. Very convenient
how the Grand Charlatan manages to forget all his incorrect forecasts.
Martin Brown