"ron button" wrote in message
Sitting in my sheltered part of southeast England,watching the sun burn
off the remaining cloud this morning my thoughts have turned to 'what kind
of summer will we get this year' ?.
Without the benifit of any scientific input it strikes me there has been
very little winter weather this year in the southeast,only 4 and half
inches of rain here in suburban Essex, a lot of high pressure and oddles
of sunshine.i.e perfect summer conditions !
So how does that augur for this summer ?,sods law and the law of averages
should conspire to turn things quite nasty at times with the odd nice
spell but equally very unpleasant cloudy ,wet and cool periods,which would
of course please Norman ,P.Eden,and similar denizens of shady glades.
Does this qualify as 'a forecast' I hear you say ,well judging by previous
efforts from the 'experts' I'm in with a good chance methinks, ask
Answers on a postcard........
Well certainly in SE England a dry start to Spring is on the cards looking
at the outputs. If it stays dry through April/May then the summer could well
be a hot one with dry ground!
Will Hand (Haytor, Devon, 1017 feet asl)