On Saturday, March 7, 2015 at 3:44:18 PM UTC, Graham Easterling wrote:
On Saturday, March 7, 2015 at 3:19:22 PM UTC, Nick Gardner wrote:
Len Wood Wrote in message:
17C at 1350 GMT and sunny in the swesterly.
11C and overcast here on SW Devon coast.
The moist SW feed is a party pooper at this location.
Should go inland and east but too much work to do in the garden.
Anyway, the Scandi High forecast for next week should be excellent for this coast.
It's all swings and roundabouts.
Cloud broke up by mid-morning to unbroken sunshine and a maximum
of 15C.
You don't have to go to Gt Yarmouth to get the sunshine in these
moist south-westerlies, Len. Just go to the other side of
Dartmoor. This has been one of the sunniest starts to March I
have recorded.
Nick Gardner
Otter Valley, Devon
20 m amsl
Or St Ives (Cornwall), virtually unbroken sunshine there. (Interesting satellite imagery for that area)
Penzance (Sun came & went here)
The satellite picture shows how effective the SW Peninsula is at drying out the air as it leaves the south coast and heads NE.
An incredibly straight line from tip of Cornwall to Pembrokeshire, clear to SE, cloudy to NW.
Damn chilly here though. Sea temp only about 9C so I have had to come indoors to warm up. :-(
Wembury, SW Devon coast.