On 13/03/2015 11:01, Eskimo Will wrote:
"Graham P Davis" wrote in message
On Fri, 13 Mar 2015 03:28:48 -0700 (PDT)
Ken Cook wrote:
On Friday, 13 March 2015 09:46:35 UTC, Ken Cook wrote:
Meant to add, March 2nd to 4th, shovelling snow, Friday 6th cut grass
during gale, Tuesday 10th, began preparing veg patch, Friday 13th,
back to shovelling snow. Interesting weather. Ken Copley
At the old Met Office, one day in February, the gardeners cut the grass
and shovelled snow at the same time; the mower acted as a snowplough
whilst attempting to deliver the coup-de-grace.
Why on earth are people cutting grass at this time of year?
Plenty of time later (unfortunately). Mine is still not growing anyway
so a cut would be pointless.
Mine kept growing long into the autumn and is plenty long enough to cut
but I am waiting until the ground is a bit drier to avoid compacting it.
Neighbouring farms have got cows out on grass this week.
Several neighbours have already cut their lawns here in North Yorks (and
they did need cutting).
Martin Brown