"Eskimo Will" wrote in message
Low stratus thins at times to see the solar disc but there is a lot of
reflected glare. Quite hopeless really. Still I have set 1 minute data
logging on my AWS to see if anything happens on that front. Will not be
able to detect small change in light level as cloud thickness is varying.
Will this cloud get thicker due to cloud top cooling I wonder? Convective
cloud disappears in eclipses as the heat is switched off but not layer
cloud, perhaps the reverse? Thick cloud now :-(
Wow I take it all back. Awesome eclipse!
Went outside and cloud thinned enough to see the sun with naked eye and I
could see the moon biting into it. Then cloud cleared a bit more and it was
too bright to look at directly so viewed the near totality reflected from
the window. Occasionally looking directly when thicker cloud came across.
Temperature drop of 0.8C measured. From +4.7C at 0848 to +3.8C at 0930.
Will Hand (Haytor, Devon, 1017 feet asl)