00Z position 10.7N 137.7E.
Winds: 140 kts, gusts 170.
Forecast track plus satellite pics can be seen he
Met Office blog:
I'm sorry to say that their statement that "the sea temperatures are
unusually warm in this area by more than 2°C" seems to be a bit of
journalese. Admittedly they are talking about the area where the storm
formed but that still seems to me to be an exaggeration. I'm not sure
where it formed but there's only a small area of water in the
general region with an anomaly of around +2C. At it's current location,
SSTs are near normal and it's heading into an area of water that is
below normal. Mind you, it depends on which normals you're using.
There's an interesting satellite loop here showing vortices in the eye:
Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks. [Retd meteorologist/programmer]
I wear the cheese. It does not wear me.
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