On 08/04/2015 21:47, Colin Youngs wrote:
Brussels on Wednesday 8th April 2015
Mostly sunny in the morning, but convective cloud developed steadily from mid-morning. Mainly cloudy, although still bright, from early afternoon, but the cloud broke and gradually dissipated again from late afternoon onwards. Light ENE to E wind.
Brussels Uccle 14.0°C - overnight minimum 2.5°C
Brussels Airport 13.9°C - overnight minimum 1.3°C
Brussels Airport http://weather.noaa.gov/weather/current/EBBR.html
Brussels Uccle Graphs http://deus.irceline.be/~celinair/me...=nl&sta=T1R012
Rainfall radar http://www.buienradar.be/afgelopen-24-uur
OGIMET monthly summary for Brussels Uccle http://tinyurl.com/prebm38
Webcam Grand-Place http://www.brussels.be/artdet.cfm?id=4664&FMT=18
Webcam Uccle http://www.meteo.be/meteo/view/en/15...cam+Uccle.html
Colin Youngs
As is often the case with an Easterly or variant of it, similar here Colin.
Dave, S.Essex