On Thursday, 9 April 2015 18:32:00 UTC+1, Col wrote:
The serious side to this is that although us lot on here are lucky
enough to know enough about the weather to disniss this as
ludicrous nonsense and just laugh at it,others may not be so fortunate.
Imagine being a pensioner, living on your own, who is already worried
about fuel costs.They won't know the difference between these
charlatans and the Met Office, they will be scared ****less about
forecasts of the biggest freeze since the last ice age.
That just isn't right.
Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl
Snow videos:
It does happen. A good friend of mine quoted Exacta Weather at me once. I had to tell him, as gently as possible, that they peddled absolute nonsense and he should use the Met Office. He's got a brain all right but he doesn't know much about meteorology - few people do.
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.