On Topic warning
On Monday, 13 April 2015 17:37:37 UTC+1, Dawlish wrote:
Very similar to how 'Paki' is a 'fiction' to some racists here hughes.
You are the kind of person who would justify such descriptions of real and very challenged people, simply because it is what you believe should be the case. Racists, sexists, etc. etc. think exactly the same way. The terms they use are perfectly OK to them, thus they should be OK to everyone else.
Well no they are not, hughes and you should know better. It is a poor reflection on you that you don't.
Paul you really need to stop this nonsense. Tudor is very left in his views and I'm sure he won't mind me saying that and the reason although I know he disagrees with much of my views, that we both are okayish with each other is that we've actually met up some years ago. The reason for that meet was the NG and that Tudor knew the son of my next door neighbour who has sadly since died.
Paul you love searching the NG so look back to the past and see how many times Tudor has told me to shut it.
The initial post was about just how lovely the weather has been and how this had brought out daffs and alcoholics (methers) in my local park. It was actually a very accurate description but my main pint was a joke based on that juxtaposition, laughing at myself and mentioning the weather. But I'm sure you realise all of that but persist with this indignant ranting just for effect. If not then you are a very paranoid person Paul.
Infamy, infamy , they've all got it in for me. Seriously that's what it sounds like.