On Topic warning
On Monday, 13 April 2015 21:10:06 UTC+1, Dawlish wrote:
On Monday, April 13, 2015 at 8:46:17 PM UTC+1, Tudor Hughes wrote:
On Monday, 13 April 2015 20:13:15 UTC+1, Lawrence Jenkins wrote:
On Monday, 13 April 2015 18:41:08 UTC+1, Dawlish wrote:
We know what your snide little post was about larry. As I said before *just* talk about the weather and no-one including me, would have any complaint.
The trouble is that you can't and you try to impose your far right wing, crappy and foul views at every possible opportunity in your posts. When you do, expect challenge. Then expect to have to deal with the challenge - or don't dobit and stick to just talking about the weather.
Geddit? Just the weather.
So for someone who says to killfile is childish you prefer the straight-forward good old fashioned censorship. You have no power or authority over me, you are a jumped up little hitler . I'll say no more not because of you, but because this is just absolute madness and its not fair on the others, even I know when to stop on the odd occasion.
Well, that was fun, wasn't it. Another thread ruined by Paul Garvey, USW's very own Cupid Stunt. I hope he's going to clear up the mess but as Alan Bennett would say, "he won't, will he". BTW, Lawrie, I'm not *very* leftish, just markedly and persistently so. Be fair! Don't be a Dawlish!
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.
Another thread ruined by hughes parachuting in where no-one wanted him, then entertaining the masses by struggling like hell, like he always does when he tries this.
You've lost the plot hughes. The issue is the foul little term 'methers' which you apparently feel is perfectly OK, but you don't want to talk about that any more, you'd rather attempt deflection by castigation. It's not working, as I'll ignore the abuse and drag you back, kicking and screaming, to the main issue every time.
Like I said, where does your discrimination end? It's a short step towards a labelling culture which you probably wouldn't like, but yet you are happy with larry labelling the people in his local park as 'methers' when he has no idea whether they have addictions, or not. Indeed, he has absolutely no idea who those people are; he's just typically worried by people who may not be similar to him. He feels the same way about travellers, East Europeans and other races in his local area and has said so on here several times.. Do you agree with him on those scores as well?
The thread is only 'ruined' (for you and larry) because you haven't been able to pursue your joint discrimination as you liked, because I've intervened to stop you, so you've taken to attempting to abuse me instead. laughing
Next time, think a little of the consequences before descending from your tree. It will help you greatly.
Blimey! I'm a racist! Most of my mates think I'm a bleeding-heart liberal. They're a good deal closer to the truth than you are, which should come as no surprise to anyone. There are black families living in my road, in social housing. No problem. Go down to Croydon and you'll see more blacks than whites (I hope you are comfortable with these terms, BTW). Again no problem. But living in a place like Dawlish cannot be much of a test of your anti-racist credentials so I'd pipe down a little if I were you. Besides, your assessment of people's nature (not just Lawrie and me) is so far removed from reality that one simply rolls one's eyes and whistles gently to the heavens. Which planet is this bloke from?
As for your last remark, never forget, because the server won't, that it was *your* posting that started all this and will be there for all to see. Why the hell don't you grow up?
I think we should call you Marvin (the paranoid android).
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.