On Wednesday, 15 April 2015 02:51:11 UTC+1, Alan LeHun wrote:
The clout part most definitely refers to your[?] winter clothing. There is
no doubt about that.
Apart from the fact that the very poor won't have a set of winter clothing and the rich won't give a damn. So where do you get the idea a clout is an article of clothing/set of winter wear?
Agricultural lore tends to be based on agriculture. The month of May is based on a family of Italian Mafiosi, the head of which made his bones by committing genocide all across Northern Europe from France to Yugoslavia.
While May is the de facto name of the period when the RA of the sun is between 2:35 and 4:34 degrees (
http://people.physics.tamu.edu/krisc..._sun_2014.html) such a period is not likely to apply to all farms throughout the regions where it is believed. (An hill farm in the Cairngorms and a farm on a flood plain in Cornwall for example.)
Don't let me put you off your beliefs just because you are obviously wrong, though. By all means continue pleasing yourself. I always do. At my age I can't be bothered listening to reasons; so many of them are dawlish.
Of course I am assuming the saying applies to agriculture. If anything about that one is obvious, that is the unstated certainty.