If the oak before the ash...
On Wednesday, 15 April 2015 10:37:54 UTC+1, Anne B wrote:
At a guess, I'd say duckduckgo isn't a friend of yours. Do you
lonely? You should get into geology. It's ideal work for an
personality with no friends.
Shows how much you know about geologists. They love going to
outcrops in company with lots of friends and discussing the
processes that resulted in that particular feature. Or sitting
over cups of coffee or pints of beer with lots of friends
discussing the processes that resulted in various rock
phenomena. Very sociable people indeed, are geologists.
Proof that democracy is a form of idiocracy. Where foolishness is bliss one who is like god fears to tread. But don't let me stop you having fun. So long as I can presume rain, I won't be jealous.