On Thursday, 7 May 2015 15:43:05 UTC+1, Metman2012 wrote:
On 07/05/2015 15:30, Simon Cheesbiscuit wrote:
Does anyone know if there are maps anywhere which show lightning activity over the UK for the past few years (e.g. average number of lightning strikes per year or suchlike)? It's just I'm convinced Milton Keynes is in a lightning cold spot, as thunderstorms seem to move in bands either to the north or south of us.
Liam (apologies for the login name!)
Milton Keynes
If you go to http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/climate/...aries/anomacts
and look at the Lightning strikes climate variable, you will be able to
see the actual strikes for specific months. There are no anomaly maps
though (as they wouldn't be very useful).
Thanks very much. Somehow I never knew that page existed! It's a bit hard to see specific locations in some months though, as the whole country is just a red blob due to the large symbols. Better than nothing though, I guess.