Bracknell, Berkshire, UK (51° 24'N, 0° 46'W, 77m AMSL) May 2015
Day is 0000-2359 UTC. Anomalies are comparisons to 1981-2010 averages for Bracknell.
Below average sunshine, rainfall and temperature were features of May this year, with the maximum temperature of 21.3 C being the lowest for May since 1986.
Mean Temp (integrated): 12.6 C (-0.3)
Mean Temp (Tx+Tn)/2): 12.6 C (-0.3)
Mean Max: 17.6 C (-0.3)
Max Max: 21.3 C on 11th
Min Max: 11.1 C on 14th
Mean Min: 7.6 C (-0.3)
Min Min: 3.6 C on 20th
Max Min: 12.3 C on 23rd
Air Frosts: 0
Grass Frosts: 3
Mean Grass Min: 4.7 C
Lowest Grass Min: -1.0 C on 20th and 21st
Highest Grass Min: 11.4 C on 5th
Mean 30cm Earth Temp: 13.4 C
Max 30cm Earth Temp: 15.0 C on 28th and 29th
Min 30cm Earth Temp: 11.2 C on 1st
Rainfall 00-24: 40.2 mm (73% of average of 55.4 mm)
Rainfall 09-09: 40.9 mm (5 inch)/ 40.2 mm (AWS)
Max Rainfall: 12.0 mm on 14th
Days with Rain = 0.2 mm: 13
Days with Rain = 2.0 mm: 8
Days with Rain = 20.0 mm: 0
Days with Thunder: 1 on 19th
Days with Hail: 1 on 19th
Days with at least a few flakes of snow: 0
Days with Rain & Snow: 0
Days with Snow Lying 50% at 0900: 0
Max Snow Depth at 0900: 0
Days with Fog at 0900: 0
Hours of Sunshine: 162.5 (85% of average of 190.2)
Mean Pressu 1014.9 hPa
Max Pressu 1028.5 hPa on 16th
Min Pressu 987.3 hPa on 5th
Average Wind Speed: 2.9 kt
Maximum Daily Average Windspeed: 8.9 kt on 5th
Minimum Daily Average Windspeed: 0.5 kt on 22nd
Max Wind Gust: 38 kt from 195 deg on 5th
Average Wind Direction: 224 deg
Roy Avis
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