Drink and be happy
On Monday, 8 June 2015 20:54:18 UTC+1, John wrote:
On Mon, 8 Jun 2015 01:38:28 -0700 (PDT), Lawrence Jenkins
Off course 'THIEFA'. Why we are taling Jack Warner here, right?
Yes, but I thought he was an actor who portrayed a policeman in a
weekly televised photoplay some years ago?
Did he also play football?
Full disclosu No TV, I don't read the things newspapers have
become and my lack of interest in sport of all sorts is only exceeded
by my lack of interest in movies *about* sports.
OBweather: it's not so cold today as it was some months ago.
Well you obviously use the internet, look up recent hits for Dixon of Dock Green and then the bloke who took literally millions upon millions in backhanders representing THIEFA