On Sunday, 21 June 2015 19:43:49 UTC+1, Dave Cornwell wrote:
On 21/06/2015 15:35, Lawrence Jenkins wrote:
On Sunday, 21 June 2015 14:06:44 UTC+1, Dawlish wrote:
There's no 'right' and no wrong in science, as I've attested to on here any times.there is no proof, though deniers want there to be. The best you'll get is a consensus amongst scientists. In this case, the consensus is huge, at 99.9% in the latest literature survey. What does that suggest about CO2 being the major cause of global warming.
A good analogy is gravity. The theory of gravity is not proven and never will be. However, if I was stood under a falling piano, I'd be inclined to do my best to get out of the way. A denier, however would be still telling anyone in hearing distance that the theory is a bunch of crap. Right up to the end. 😀
You're analogy of gravity I pure tosh. I'll tell you why you idiot, we can see gravity working on the earth every day , very hour, every second but we have no evidence whatsoever of co2 heating the atmosphere, do we?
Please show this evidence to me and your follower.
Just remind me of one thing though Lawrence, you do agree the planet has
warmed to a measurable extent over the last, say 60 years?
I have answered this before. But here goes again. Yes my own subjective experience tells me the UK has warmed in the last 45 years and the Met office or Hubert Lambs temperature record showed a clear warming up until the 1940's and then cooling until the eighties.
In fact I clearly remember on the way to a Socialist Labour League Young Socialist do on a spring Sunday morning and I was about 19-20 reading a full front page article in the Sunday Mirror about the encroaching new ice age, I also had a Sunday Telegraph colour supplement that spoke of exactly the same thing. The real warming in the UK has been since the nineties and of course we all know that the temperatures rose from the little ice age into the 20th century. As for the whole planet its hard to know how the temperatures have moved accurately. A really large and accurately kept data base for the USA has gradually been affected by cities and ashphalt and we all know of the dust bowl period in the thirties which showed up clearly on the USA temperature record as the thirties clearly stood out' See this link at Steve Goddard's blog,
If anyone can refute this in a constructive way then please be my guest.
So to conclude yes there has been cooling and warming in the UK in my life time and I know that subjectively as well. For the rest of the planet how can we tell as there has been no reliable way of measuring until satellites. But my guess is the planets temperature has waxed and waned as it always has and human co2 is a very small influence. With all previous swings in temperatures we all know that a cooling planet will eventually cool the ocean thus reducing co2 and vice versa