[OBS] Luton Tue 1 Feb 2005
0300z NNW F4-5 4500m -RA 8St010 06.8/05.4 1031.9
1200z N F3-4 15km 6Cu015 7Sc020 06.9/04.2 1035.4
RMK: Ocsnl brief shafts of sunlight. 3mm rainfall between 02z
and 07z ... briefly heavy 0255-0305z
1500z NNW F3 3500m -REDZ 7St005 07.0/06.6 1035.5
RMK: Vis dropped to 1200m in drizzle and mist for about
30 minutes 1400-1430z. Now perceptibly brighter but
prob further cloud above stratus layer
Philip Eden
Luton (Round Green) 155m