An amazing 4.9 mm of rain today (in the form of overnight very light
rain/drizzle) but then the sun came out and given the low humidity, it
has all dried up and as if that rain had never happened.
It's been a rather cool day with a maximum of just 18.4C making it the
coldest day since the 4th June and the first 20C maximum since the 10th.
Monthly rainfall total now up to 19.6 mm.
Still, the water butts have been refilled so back to watering the veggie
plot and garden.
A decidedly cool evening upon us and I suspect, a chilly night as well.
(19:55), 15.1C, RH 66%, DP 8.8C, 1013 hPa (R), Wind NNW 4 mph.
Nick Gardner
Otter Valley, Devon
20 m amsl