OT or OT , who knows anymore? Oh those 0.1 % of Scientist.
On Tuesday, 23 June 2015 06:02:19 UTC+1, Dawlish wrote:
On Monday, June 22, 2015 at 10:16:27 PM UTC+1, Lawrence Jenkins wrote:
On Monday, 22 June 2015 17:42:11 UTC+1, Dawlish wrote:
I'm afraid it is not. Please research this.
That was exactly the intended irony, but alas beyond you.
It had nothing to do with irony. You haven't a clue about the concept of proof in science as you have asked for it many times and you will ask for it again, as you are incapable of learning and have no wish to do so. Most others on here do, however, a few still don't.
There is no proof in science and there never will be. Clear?
You are such a ludicrous sour lemon drop. You compare the proof of gravity to that of AGW. I repeat that human observation and experience tells us that every time an elevated object is released it will fall to the ground, it can be repeated every second of every day until the earth no longer exists but it will more than likely with all things being equal, that the same thing will happen.
Yet you proclaim that Human Co2 released in to the atmosphere over the last 100 years and the effect that it has is understood as clearly and as demonstrably as gravity 4.5 billion.
Okay, if we go along with your hopeless analogy how comes every climate model based on human co2 release has been so plain wrong, that they are seen as an embarrassing joke.
How about an experiment
If you were to climb upon the solar panel free roof of your house in Devon and drop your self penned book 'How to make friends and influence people' to the turbine free garden below, 100 times. 100 time's it would happen and hit the ground without fail yet all the climate models based on human co2 in the atmosphere run 100 times would still always be wrong as shown every time that happens. Yet you, in your hypocritical green energy free Devon University of Dullish says that the outcome of the effects of human made co2 is as consistent as that of gravity. Paul award yourself another degree with honours in bull ****e, from the University of Dullish , Devon.