On Thu, 25 Jun 2015 07:37:14 -0700 (PDT)
Tudor Hughes wrote:
On Thursday, 25 June 2015 11:53:06 UTC+1,
"Scott W" wrote in message
Lots of VERY dry ground too. If it settles for any length of time
the low-level feed off the continent could get very hot indeed
Yes it could be absolutely vile!
Today is hot enough for me with a reasonable dewpoint of 13C. Could
get over 25C on Dartmoor in the plume and not fall below 14C at
night making it very uncomfortable for sleeping (at least for me).
Glad I don't live in a city, especially in the SE, 32C+ by day and
19C at night would be a nightmare.
Well, chacun Ã* son gout - it suits me. You don't *have* to have
bedclothes or pyjamas (I won't) and that makes getting up so much
easier, something I'm never very good at. I find that hot weather,
and especially a hot night, has a kind of sleazy exotic appeal and
this outweighs any slight physical discomfort.
No we don't *have* to have bedclothes or pyjamas - thanks for stating
the blindingly obvious - but in a really hot spell, that's not enough.
At least in cold weather, you can put more on.
Having the window open will also be a problem with this very high
pollen count. That also puts the kibosh on any use of fans.
Roll on winter!
Graham P Davis, Bracknell, Berks. [Retd meteorologist/programmer]
I wear the cheese. It does not wear me.
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