On Friday, 10 July 2015 23:08:24 UTC+1, Alastair wrote:
On Friday, July 10, 2015 at 6:05:46 PM UTC+1, Trevor Harley wrote:
On Friday, July 10, 2015 at 12:04:23 AM UTC+1, jumper wrote:
I used to like this group when it was generally peaceful, and very
informative group. Then April 2008 dullish broke thks NG's back and
it's not be right since. :-(
Most of the replies to Jumper illustrate why I too have largely given up. Is there nowhere where people discuss the weather and the science of the weather without descending quickly into irrelevancy and abuse?
Jumper is a Troll. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_troll Typical of that that type of poster he has not contributed to the ensuing thread. He is only interested in creating a war of words, the more venomous the more he is pleased. The better the newsgroup the greater his success.
He is not the only troll in this newsgroup. Lawrence only posts to stir up controversy, but pretends he believes what he posts.
Dawlish is no better. Either he is a troll of he is so stupid he feeds Lawrence.
The only answer is to ignore them. Best to do that by kill-filling them as Will recommends. But others still respond quoting them, as you and I have inadvertently done. That means that persistent responders to trolls should also be kill-filed.
Don't feed the trolls.
Cheers, Alastair.
I've always had time for your gentlemanly behaviour, but during the last couple of years , you have completely gone around the bend. You accused me of being in the pay of "big Oil" and now you are talking further ' conspiracy' codswallop.
You are a typical 'whinging' Scot looking for a way to 'pay back' Capitalism (read the English) for the brutality of the Normans, that your very people gave succour to a thousand years ago.
When you accused me of being some sort of 'agent' you were so far up your own arse that a sat nav would have to have skipped battery supply and moved over to mains.
Next year, when I retire, a year early, based on state pension, I'll tell you exactly where I worked and my salary. I am the most honest person you will ever encounter