[OBS] Chalfont St Giles - Wed 2nd Feb 2005
Chalfont St Giles - Wednesday 2nd February 2005
0615z NW F2-3 20km 8Sc 05.5/02.0 1036
RMK: Overnight min: 5.3 at 0520z. No ppn since midnight.
0900z NW F2 30+km 2Sc018 7Sc022 05.9/01.4 1036
RMK: The sky has much more of a 'middle of an anticyclone'
look than it has on recent days.
24-HR STATISTICS: Max (0900-0900): 9.0 at 1920z
Min (0900-0900): 5.3 at 0520z
Grass min (1800-0900): 4.3
Rain (0900-0900): 0.2 mm
1200z NW F1-2 30+km 1Cu018 7Sc030 07.3/03.0 1035
RMK: It's a very pleasant, quiet anticyclonic day.
1500z NW F1-2 30+km 2Cu018 8Sc035 07.8/03.3 1035
RMK: Quite substantial Cu development. Looks as if it could
shower. Sc layer thickening.
(delete "thisbit" twice to e-mail)
Norman Lynagh Weather Consultancy
Chalfont St Giles 85m a.s.l.