On Wednesday, 29 July 2015 18:52:14 UTC+1, Sir Jim Cannon wrote:
Comrades! The gaffers beside himself with excitement now his brother has been backed by another union. The odds on him becoming leader have shortened from 100/1 to 5/4 - who else on here was brave enough to back him? I put £200 on him weeks ago and am planning a nice autumn break. No more boilers for me for a while!!!! 
The British public are fed up with the status quo and WANT CHANGE.
Jeremy, and Piers, can deliver that change. The gaffer is edging ever closer to his goal of a new Met Office
But Big Jim the Labour Party are fully behind AGW, will you or your gaffer (you) try and persuade your brother Jeremy to lead the Labour Party away and jump of the AGW band wagon? Its gonna be a tough job.