Tudor Hughes wrote:
Matt Taylor (Radio 4) mentioned minima of 17-18 in the SE tonight
without making anything of it. I wondered if he realised how high and
thought at the time it was unlikely but it's now looking quite
possible. Earlier (9.45 pm)I was on the phone to my brother, who
lives near Llandudno and is only a moderate weather nut, and he said
that as we spoke the temperature (19) was higher than at any time
during the day, which had been coolish with rain. It seems this
current SSE'ly flow is remarkably warm. A pity it won't last.
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.
Down to 10.5C @ 03:51 here is West Surrey, so not particularly warm at all.
Brian Wakem
Lower Bourne, Farnham, Surrey