Carol Kirkwood - the mistress of mixed messages
In message , Dave Cornwell
I know some on here are fans of hers (perhaps for other reasons than
weather presenting!) but I always find her presentations confusing. She
came on this morning all jolly and saying it was going to be a pretty
good week ahead.(bear in mind this is the first week of August). The
summary was:-
Not as Chilly
Wet and windy at times
Driest in the south and east.
I don't know if it's that she's a natural optimist or the instructions
that she operates under, but she always seems to be relentlessly
cheerful, and this looks like another example. However dire the
forecast, she always has a smile on her face. I suspect that if she had
had to forecast the ten plagues of Egypt, she would have found a bright
side. ("Yes, it's unfortunate that the first-born are going to die, but
at least without so many mouths to feed it should help with the
The thing that annoys me most about her forecasts - and those of the
other presenters - is when she's covering northern Scotland, say, and
says something like: "We're going to have a wet start to the day." YOU
aren't, Carol. You're hundreds of miles away. The presenters have
clearly been ordered to be matey and inclusive and to say "we", so it's
their managers who should take the blame rather than the presenters
I'm not paid to implement the recognition of irony.
(Taken, with the author's permission, from a LiveJournal post)