On 06/08/15 15:52, Alastair wrote:
Hot objects radiate heat which warms adjacent objects. Cold objects
radiate cold which cools adjects objects. The latter is difficult to
demonstrate because it is more difficult to maintain a constant cold
temperature than a high temperture. The latter is easy using
electrical heating. However, holding a thermnometer over an object
taken from a freezer will cause the temperature shown to drop.
I thought I would read up on this subject and have a wee think before
making a fool of myself here. I have completed steps one and two so here
we go with the last part:
The Earth is warm enough because of heat radiating from the hot Sun.
Pretty Pluto is very cold because it is so far from the Sun.
Charon is cold because:
a) it is just as far from the Sun as Pluto, or
b) the cold radiating from Pluto makes Charon cold.
Similarly, space is cold because:
a) there are invisible cold bodies cooling it down, or
b) it is empty so there is nothing there to warm it up.
This leads me to the conclusion that the default sate of existence is
cold unless someone/something turns the heat on.
Items in a freezer are colder because the equipment sucks any heat out
of them which is why you could fry an egg on the back of the fridge
(give or take).
You may laugh now. Thank you and goodnight