Cold Radiation
On Monday, August 10, 2015 at 12:21:30 AM UTC+1, Alastair wrote:
It not just about semantics. It is also about my reputation. It has been
destroyed by Dawlish ridiculing me for maintaining that bodies absorb
cold radiation.
You have destroyed your own 'reputation' by maintaining that bodies absorb cold radiation. You have deserved the ridicule and I can assure you it has not all come from me. Scroll back and look at the number of people who have also called you foolish, of stupid, or ignorant for believing this.
However, if blaming me makes you feel better, all well and good. Water off a duck's back to me, but I will always expose snake oil science - and that is exactly what you are proposing, if you say that heat transfers are capable of moving from cold to hot.
Cold radiation does not exist; centrifugal force does not exist.
Anything else you'd like to propose?
Cheers, Alastair.