On 12/08/2015 15:11, Stephen Davenport wrote:
On Wednesday, August 12, 2015 at 9:17:11 AM UTC-4, Asha Santon wrote:
I just made a new photo to replace an old one made by dear mama.
Could some kind person tell me what type of cloud this is?
The sky is full of this type just now and if I know what it is, I can
change the title on the page.
If there's somewhere I can look such things up to avoid bothering the ng
please do tell.
Thanks in anticipation of someone being nice 
I should add, by the way, that altocumulus is the genus, stratiformis the species (meaning, as the word suggests, an extensive layer).
Translucidus and perlucidus are varieties: the former, also easily guessed, meaning translucent - such that the sun or moon may be seen through the cloud. Thick altocumulus is the variety opacus. Perlucidus is less obvious but denotes gaps between cloud cells in the layer. Literally it means something like "allowing light through".
Isn't perlucidus bit not needed, I always think of Ac as cow pats in the