On Sunday, August 16, 2015 at 1:24:11 PM UTC+1, Dave Cornwell wrote:
Talk about anti-S.E bias! The 1.00 pm forecast is full of glorious happy
summer's day stuff. She even said much sunnier and pleasant in East
Anglia. The graphics shows lovely sunny skies over Essex.
Well it has been a diabolical morning and the cloud stretches as far as
I can see in every direction so it can't be that localised. And it's not
fair weather cloud - it is dense grey Cu and we have the lights on
indoors, temperature now down to 17.2C! Utter rubbish!
Dave, S.Essex
Maybe they should look at the satellite imagery, which currently shows the thick cloud over Essex
Pleasantly sunny here again, as it was yesterday,
http://www.sennen-cove.com/15aug15.htm Temperature still a good 3C below normal though.