On 15/08/2015 22:34, Alan White wrote:
I did revert. There were so many bells and whistles that I would never
use and the absence of Windows Media Player, which I use quite a lot,
just didn't make it worth 'upgrading'. This, coupled with the fact that
I was all set to replace motherboard, memory, CPU and graphics card,
clinched it. One step at a time.
Windows Media Player is still there in Windows 10.
It is the rather excellent Windows Media Center that is missing so I
won't be upgrading my media computer in the lounge. I've tried Linux
alternatives but they've never worked as well or looked as good as WMC.
Shame as I like Windows 10 and it runs faster than Windows 7 on my very
old laptop. You just have to uninstall or disable all those 'apps' that
I don't/never need but that only takes a few minutes.
Nick Gardner
Otter Valley, Devon
20 m amsl